We are here to help you find and apply for your dream university in Turkey.
International postgraduate applications to all Turkish universities are managed by and can guide you through the entire university application process.
Each Turkish University sets its own admission criteria and decides which applicants meet those criteria. Therefore, applications by degree-seeking international students to a postgraduate program must be made directly to the Student İnternational Office of the university.
A PhD course in Turkey follows the successful completion of an undergraduate and postgraduate degree, this means international students can save time, money and begin their career much quicker with a highly regarded Turkish PhD degree.
Everyone is welcomed to study in Turkey as Turkish universities charge relatively affordable tuition fees and the quality of education is recognizable of international standard.
In order to gain admission into any of the Turkish universities, it is expected of international applicants to satisfy certain qualification requirements. But the focus here basically is on the requirements for international applicants going in for PhD programs.
PhD program-requirements-lists in most Turkish universities invariably are all similar. But when it comes to PhD programs, the requirements for admission are decided on by the individual department to which the student directly applies and not by the general institutional administration.
In most cases, some departments will request to meet with the applicant for a personal interview before deciding on whether the applicant will be admitted.
Detailed information on PhD program admission requirements in Turkish universities.
Most universities usually base their admissions decisions on a student’s academic record and applicable test scores, such as TOEFL, the GRE/GMAT.
The accepted documents for postgraduate programs are listed as follow:
Having enlisted all the necessary requirements for enrolling in a PhD program in any Turkish university.
Generally, admission calendars for most turkey universities are the same. Intake periods for admission start in December of the previous year and runs through to August in the succeeding/subsequent year.
September is usually a month set aside for aspiring students to sit for the necessary intake exams. Some universities usually accept applications by the end of June for Fall Semester. But some Universities offer programs in the spring semester and receive applications by the end of December for Spring Semesters.
Most universities encourage international students to contact them at least one year before they plan to enter that University. Then they could have a plenty of time to fulfil the requirements on time.
International applicants who have an postgraduate diploma equivalent to Turkish diplomas and who meet the application criteria stated above may apply for a PhD program in Turkey. Applicants must complete their previous degree programs by the admission period at the latest.
By estimate, there are around 206 universities in Turkey, most of which are state universities while the rest are private universities.
Applying for programs in any of the existing Turkish universities is quite an easy process owing to the availability of a good number of useful admission inquiry websites that can offer an aspiring applicant a good guide , in a nutshell, below are the basic steps to follow when applying for programs in Turkish universities;
If you wish to learn more about studying a postgraduate degree in Turkey, could you please arrange consultation with .